The County of Dufferin is located on the fringe of the GTA, about 100km northwest of Toronto. It is largely a rural area divided into 5 townships – Amaranth, East Garafraxa, Mono, Melancthon, & Mulmur; and 3 main urban settlements of Grand Valley, Shelburne and the largest, Orangeville, which is located at the southern boundary of the County, near the intersections of Hwy 9 & Hwy 10. It has a population of approximately 62,000 and covers an area of 1486 sq Km. Dufferin is commonly referred to as “The Headwaters” as the Saugeen, Nottawasaga, Credit, Grand & Humber Rivers all originate within the county. The beautiful Niagara Escarpment forms a dividing ridge through Dufferin County and is easily accessed via the Bruce Trail or the Mono Cliffs Provincial Park. Other attractions include the Grand River Luther Marsh, and Hockley Valley, & Dufferin County Museum & Archives. For more info, visit www.dufferincounty.ca
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Homes and Farms for sale in Dufferin County Ontario
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